When it comes to on-line relationships and dating I think this theory is particularly accurate. When's the last time you intentionally put a bad photo of yourself via online communication? That's the beauty of the internet, you can disclose whatever you want, retain whatever you want, and it doesn't even need to be true. How many times have you heard of an on line date story that went bad because the people talking to each other didn't look anything like their photo's? In fact, this is such a culturally relevant topic that there has been a movie and a show on it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuE98oeL-e0
We see only what people want us to see and vice versa. This is the important aspect of CPM that you need to keep in mind. I also believe the reason on-line communication is so big is because it remedies some of the downfalls addressed by CPM, such as the fifth principle of turbulence. The fifth principle is labeled turbulence and talks about the problems that can happen when someone's privacy rules get broken down or mistakes are made within a communication that make disclosure ambiguous. This issue isn't as big on-line as it would be in person as communication on-line can be calculated and be made over the course of weeks, where as a face to face communication lasts for a shorter period of time. In the end this theory applies to on-line relationships and communication because online media outlets and CPM both share overlap of idea's ranging from privacy and disclosure all the way to the very principles CPM uses and how they are applicable to on-line activities. www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE6iAjEv9dQWednesday, January 22, 2014
Communication Privacy Management
Communication Privacy Management is an interesting theory in regards to both on-line communication and on-line relationships. Since the theory revolves around what people want to reveal and what they want to keep confidential, online profiles can be seen as entities that encompass many of the perimeters discussed in the book. A perfect example is the creation of a Facebook account. When making one the user has the power to configure their settings to fit their mold of what they deem is private information or information that matters deeply to them. For example, you can hide the fact you are in a relationship or only choose to show that fact to friends, ultimately allowing you to retain power over what you disclose or retain. It also builds off of the CPM's second principle of private information control. When user's make there settings to show very little about themselves they have high control over that information as opposed to them posting all of the their life details out there, which would give them low control.
Friday, January 10, 2014
What does it mean to be a communication major?
To me, a communication major is a person who helps convey messages in ways that everybody understands; this to me is the cornerstone of what it means to have this degree. You are essentially helping link messages in a platform that can be widely accepted. I've been asked more than I can count about what type of future I could have while being in the Speech communication program at OSU, my favorite is when people scoff at my choice of major as if I'm wasting valuable time and money being in this field when I could become an engineer. This might be a shock for a lot of people but those who are in the communication field aren't just used car salesmen. I have many friends who have graduated and are now working regional manager positions at a variety of retail chains or are working with professional sports teams across the country. For me, having this major is an important stepping stone to not only the career I want down the road, but the life style I want as well. This means using the tools and resources I obtained as a communication major to be able to convey and communicate properly with various groups and entities, thus making a life that has open communication, something I think is very important. The funny thing is that you can ask all communication majors to define communication and you will get a variety of different answers. To me, communication is the process with which messages are being sent and received properly. By properly I mean they are conveyed in a way that is simple and is understandable to the masses. I feel that there is a disconnect in not only the work force but with social interactions as a whole that need to be remedied. Communication is the key cog in this process and should be a tool used to wield impressive results with the end goal being to limit the amount of confusion that goes along with not being able to articulate a particular message. I think a small example that many could relate to would be looking at a particular fight you had with a friend in the past. The fight the two of you had were over things that were said and then misinterpreted, you guys stopped talking and then talked to other people about what you think that other person meant. It gets worse and worse until you and the other friend actually sit down and talk and learn that what was trying to be communicated was no where near what you thought they were saying. Another great example is in this video, i'm pretty sure it's based on a true story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwjAAgGi-90 .Now take that great cartoon and ground breaking acting you saw of the miscommunication between the wildlife and imagine magnifying that process to an incredibly higher level such as international relations. This to me is why I am a speech communication major and why I am interested in the field; to be able to bridge the gap between what is being said, what is being understood, and what can be done about it.
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